Bryan & Lizzy had a dream. Well, mostly Lizzy…

Throughout her 20 year career in the jewelry industry, Lizzy often dreamed of having her own store. Working for others, she was immersed in an endless universe of art and wonder. This education in artisan jewelry was unbelievably rewarding, but she always had a tiny voice whispering “someday…”. She harbored a secret (and sometimes not-so-secret) idea of curating her own retail experience - her own dream store to shop in.

Unfortunately, tragedy struck Lizzy’s life in 2020 and she was unsure if she’d ever get her spark back. Slowly, time passed and those tiny embers of hope smoldered. She met Bryan, who encouraged her to follow her dreams (trite- we know), and she listened. With his support, work ethic, enthusiasm, charisma, and heart, the two of them built Ghostflower on an idea - that their store would be a phoenix flame of hope for all who enter their doors.

Ghostflower is a space for connection, compassion, integrity, humility, safety…. and really great jewelry.


Why “Ghostflower”?

A ghostflower, or Mohavea confertiflora, is a type of wildflower that grows in the mountains of Southern Arizona. It looks as ethereal as it sounds with its translucent white petals and pink speckles throughout. Since our store is located in the historic ghost town of Jerome, AZ, we thought the name fit both our locale and our love of nature and the great outdoors of Arizona.

-Bryan & Lizzy Goodwin

What’s Next?  

Online Store

Coming soon! In the meantime, contact us for personalized shopping services - we are able to ship anywhere within the US!

Grand Opening & Other Events

Our Grand Opening dates are TBD - until then, catch us at the Jerome Art & Wine Walk on March 4th and all other first Saturdays this Spring.

New Artists

Follow us on social media for updates on new artists in the shop. New jewelry and home goods are arriving often!